Marching ahead with staunch principles to dispel illusions, ignorance and promoting acquisition of knowledge among the masses; we are unfurling the flag of Katherine Academy with dignity and pride.
At the same time realizing that the Gen-Z – our young ones require information at the speed of light and proper guidance. In changing the face of society, school updates itself with the latest teaching pedagogy and also accepts the challenge of nurturing warm, empathetic souls by making them perform “Yoga and Meditation”. We do encourage these young budding citizens to rise for society through various campaigns rather than creating insensitive humans.
We know the world of competition leads to frustration and stress many times. School has taken initiative in this direction by starting meditation at the on set of the day to silence the negative thoughts and build a positive mode.
The school also aims to mentor the students in monitoring themselves in the present scenario, where the cobweb of social networking sites are eating into the vitals of the society by making them realize about the cyber crime and aftermath of the misuse of gadgets through different initiatives.
On the whole the school aims to equip the pupils to be brave, brilliant, eagle eyed towards their aim and be able to pick right from the multiple wrongs.